Welcome to Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club!

Founded in 1887, Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club has a long history of competing in the Coastal Amateur Rowing Association (CARA).

HBARC is a completely different experience from your usual sport clubs. Coastal rowing is a physically tough, deeply rewarding sport. If you’re new to the sport there’s no better place to learn and compete than with HBARC!

Please click here for more information.

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@HerneBayRowing Facebook

Cover for Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club

Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club

Founded in 1887 and still a thriving coastal club, training all year and competing at coastal regattas throughout Kent and Sussex each summer.

February 2nd

Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
HBARC needs your help. Do you have a service, or can you offer a skill or useful talent, donate a prize or host an event to raise money for the club. The event is on Saturday 22 March. Save the date!! Friends and family invited!If you can help or have more questions direct message us or email malbampton@gmail.com #fundraiser #raisingmoney See MoreSee Less

January 29th

Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
Melissa and Briony's adoration for HBARC and rowing is well known, so the British Rowing Coaching Conference 2025 was always going to be the ideal environment to feed their rowing curiosity – how much rowing chat can you listen to without actually getting out on the water?This totally immersive weekend at the University of Birmingham meant we came away with team building ideas from Andrew Randall, GB Rowing Team Women’s Olympic Head Coach, understood better the many pathways for our young rowers, learnt more about mobility, strength and conditioning, specifically for more mature rowers(!) as well as finding out about some great opportunities for our juniors. They also listened to talks about neurodiversity in rowing, female rowers, coaching through play, British Rowing Techniques, training technical movements and the coaching cycle. Phew! Thank you GB Rowing, that was inspirational, and we made some great connections!#britishrowing #learning #birmingham #alwaysgrowing #drcathbishop See MoreSee Less

January 18th

Herne Bay Amateur Rowing Club
We also paid tribute to John Cox and Stuart Webb, who became life members after giving over 40 years service to the club. Congratulations 🎉 See MoreSee Less